Microsoft Azure, a powerful cloud computing platform, offers a seamless way to create and manage virtual machines. This guide will walk you through the steps of setting up a Windows 10 virtual machine on Azure. By leveraging Azure's robust infrastructure, you can easily deploy and manage your Windows 10 environment, whether it's for development, testing, or production purposes.
An active Azure account with a subscription. If you don't have one, you can sign up for a free trial.
An active resource group, which can be created using this link: How to create a Virtual machine on Microsoft Azure.
Create a Virtual Machine:
In the Azure portal search bar, type "Virtual Machines" and select "Virtual machines".
Click "Create".
Select the resource group you created.
Enter a name for your virtual machine (e.g., "MyWindows10VM").
For more advanced scenarios, consider using Azure Marketplace images or custom VM images.
Choose a region where you want to deploy the VM.
Select the image: Choose "Windows 10" from the list of available images.
Select the size: Choose a suitable size based on your requirements (e.g., Standard_DS1_v2).
Username and Password:
Enter a username and password for the administrator account.
Inbound Port Rules:
Select "Allow selected ports" and add the following ports:
RDP (3389)
HTTP (80)
Disk Configuration:
Keep the default settings or adjust as needed.
Choose a virtual network and subnet. You can create a new one if necessary.
Keep the default settings or adjust as needed.
Keep the default settings or adjust as needed.
Keep the default settings or adjust as needed.
Review and Create:
Click "Review + create".
Review the settings and click "Create".
Connect to the Virtual Machine:
Once the VM is deployed, you can connect to it using Remote Desktop:
- In the VM overview page, click "Connect".
- Click "Download RDP File".
Open the downloaded RDP file.
Enter your username and password.
Click "Connect".